DGH is Expanding to Better Meet Your Needs!
November 12, 2021
In 2020, DGH Engineering Ltd. completed a building expansion to their DGH offices. The expansion was completed just before the uncertainty brought by 2021's global pandemic. The new addition to DGH's offices allowed staff to safely continue business in-person, with plenty of room for physical distancing without disrupting our collaborative approach to engineering, design, and consulting services. While the world is not yet back to business as usual, we are preparing for when it does. We are making room for new staff in our Engineering, Drafting, Agricultural, and Communications and Clerical departments to ensure we are here for our clients as they make development decisions that will influence the "new normal" for years to come.
Our most notable upcoming change will be the development of a new open-concept collaborative work space for our drafting and project management staff. Our team has been using the space provided by our recent expansion as a staff kitchen and lunch area, but over the coming months we will be converting a section of the brightly lit communal space to accommodate new ergonomic drafting workstations and collaborative work spaces. Our team will benefit from the ample natural lighting in the area, as well as the state-of-the-art interior design choices. Our intent is to pass these benefits on to our clients. When our team works in positive conditions, we achieve positive results.
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